Cub Creek Science Camp

Located at Bear River Ranch

16795 Hwy E

Rolla, Missouri  65401





Common Summer Camp Questions




Click your mouse over the question that you would like to learn the answer to or simply scroll down the screen to read all the answers.


Our Campers

How many campers attend camp during one session?

How many campers are in each cabin?  

Are campers grouped according to age?

Where do your campers come from?

Bringing a friend - Can my child request a cabin mate?


Our Staff

Who are your staff?

How do you screen your staff?

How are staff trained?

How many staff are in each cabin?

Who are the directors?



What activities are offered at camp?

What is a typical day's schedule?

Why are some activities called courses and others called classes? What is the difference?

When will my child sign up for activities?

What if my child does not get into the course or class that she wanted?


Accommodations and Meals

Tell me about the cabins.

What will my child need to bring to camp?

What type of meals are offered?

What if my child does not like what is being served for a meal?


General Information

How do I know if my child is ready to go to a sleep away camp?

How long should my child go to camp? 

Is summer camp right for my special needs child?

How do I know if Cub Creek Science Camp is right for my child?

How long has Cub Creek Science Camp been in operation?

My child is shy.  Will he fit in?

What options are available for transportation to and from camp?


Health and Safety

What about safety? 

How do you handle prescription medication at camp?

How do you handle over the counter medications at camp?

My child may need some special help, will this be a problem?

Will I be notified if my child is sick or injured at camp?

How do you deal with homesickness?


After I Register

When will I find out if my child has been accepted into camp?

What forms will I need to fill out?

What will my child need to bring to camp?

What time do I take my child to camp on the first day? 

When do I pick my child up on the last day of camp?

What type of communication will I have with my child while at camp?

Can anyone send e-mails to my child at camp? 

Do I have to register in order to send an e-mail to my child?

Can parents visit camp?


Answers to Common Questions


Our Campers

How many campers attend camp during one session?  We have up to 224 campers each session, living in fourteen cabins.


How many campers are in each cabin?  Cabins are designed to accommodate up to 16 campers and 3-4 counselors.


Are campers grouped according to age?  Yes.   Our program is divided into Junior campers and Senior campers.  Junior campers are those campers who are 7-11 years only  Our senior campers are 11-16 years old.  11 year olds can be either or a Junior or Senior camper depending upon their grade.  Cabins are further divided to group campers according to their age group.  We have  flexibility in our cabin groupings and will try to honor all cabin requests.   Campers eat and participate in activities with their own age group.


Our Staff

Who are the staff? Our staff are typically local and international college students with a love of children, science and the outdoors. Many of them are education, science, or animal science majors.


How do you screen your staff? Staff must complete an in-depth application and interview.  A clean background check, accurate employment history and good references are also mandatory.


How are staff trained? Staff go through two weeks of extensive training prior to the arrival of campers.


How many staff do you have in each cabin? We have 3-4 staff living in each cabin.


Who are the directors?  Cub Creek Science Camp was created and is directed by Lori Martin.  Lori is the mother of two girls, Mikayla and Jamie.  Lori, her husband Scott, and their daughters live at Bear River Ranch and personally oversee all aspects of camp.  They work daily to continual improve the facility and program.  It has been a lifelong dream of Lori's to create a fun, educational environment where curious kids can explore and learn about what interests them most, under the guidance of motivating staff .  Because animals have always been one of Lori's great interests she chose to make them the underlying theme of Cub Creek Science Camp. 



What activities are offered at camp?  Our activities are what make us stand apart from other camps! We offer all of the favorite "traditional" camp activities such as tie dyeing t-shirts, outdoor living skills, archery, fishing, swimming and crafts. Our staff are trained to teach the science behind each activity.  We also offer many activities unique to Cub Creek Science Camp, such as Jr. Vet and Adopt an Animal.  You can read more specifics about our activities on our activities page.


What is a typical day's schedule?

7:00 am

8:00 am

8:45 am

9:30 am

10:45 am  

12:00 pm

1:00 pm

2:00 pm

3:15 pm

4:30 pm

5:30 pm

6:15 pm

7:00 pm

9:30 pm

Early Bird activity (optional)

Breakfast for the older cabins (seventh - ninth graders)

Breakfast for the younger cabins (first - sixth graders)

1st activity period

2nd activity period

Lunch for the First Shift - Free time for the Second Shift

Lunch for the Second Shift - Free time for the First Shift

3rd activity period

4th activity period

Cabin group activity

Dinner for First Shift

Dinner for Second Shift

Evening activity

Night Owl activity (optional)


 What is the difference between a course and a class?   Courses and classes are the names given to our camp activities.  Each camper will choose two courses for each week at camp and two classes for each day of camp.

  • Courses focus on one specific area of study and involve fun-hands on projects or experiments that expand upon the course's subject each day.  - If a camper signs up for the chemistry course for example,  each day at the same time she will meet with the chemistry instructors and the same group of campers who also signed up for chemistry.  During this course she will make slime, grow crystals, make a rainbow in a jar as well as other fun experiments that will help her understand more about states of matter, compounds, mixtures etc.

  • Classes are specific projects that take just 1 hour to complete but are sure to entertain, intrigue and educate.  Each course is made up of 5 classes, all with the same theme.  If a camper did not sign up for chemistry as a course, she would still be able to participate in one or more of our chemistry classes, such as a one hour class on slime and silly putty.


When will my child sign up for activities? Campers will sign up for courses and classes when they arrive to camp.  The first day, campers will choose two courses.  As camp progresses, they will see other activities happening that are of interest to them.  This is where the classes come in.  Each evening, campers will sign up for the classes they are interested in for the following day. 


On our online "camper paperwork" page you will find a course request form which should be completed by your child and returned to our office as soon as possible. This for helps us determine what types of classes and courses to offer during the summer based on the interest of all campers.


What if my child does not get into the course or class that she wanted?  By expressing interests prior to coming to camp through our course request form, we are able to determine how many campers are interested in taking a particular subject and offer that subject multiple times if necessary.  Encouraging your child to communicate his or her wants to our staff is the best advise we can offer.  If a particular course is filled, the individual classes that make up that course can be offered during class times. Classes and courses vary each week with the interest of the campers.


Accommodations and Meals

Tell me about the cabins.  We are very proud of our modern, barrier free cabins.  Each 1600 square foot cabin has air-conditioning, private bathrooms and showers, semi-private bedrooms with real twin mattresses, a large covered porch and central meeting room.  While campers spend most of their time away from the cabins, we think it is important that campers are able to get a good night's sleep.  This is accomplished by a full, busy day of activities as well as a comfortable place to sleep.  Take the tour of camp to see pictures of our cabins.


What will my child need to bring to camp?  Cub Creek will provide all necessary field study, laboratory and activity equipment. There are no additional fees for activity supplies. A list of suggested personal items for each camper to bring to camp will be sent with the confirmation packet.


What type of meals are offered?   Meals are home cooked and delicious. Campers sit among the friends from their cabin and can enjoy as much as they like.    Breakfasts offer a variety of cereals, fruit, juice, milk, yogurt and a hot entrée. Lunch is usually lighter with sandwiches both hot and cold, fruit, chips and drinks. For breakfast and lunch, campers choose and often prepare part of their own meal.  Dinner is everyone's favorite with meals including fried chicken, lasagna, pizza, BBQ and hamburgers cooked on the grill.


What if my child doesn't like what is being served for a meal?  We have found that even the pickiest of eaters can find something they like at every meal.  Fresh fruit and bread is available at every meal.  Campers may also choose to have macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly or a cheese sandwich at any meal.   A salad or potato bar is available at every dinner.  We also have chocolate milk, 2% milk, 3 types of Kool-aid and a variety of fruit juices available at all meals.




General Information

How do I know if my child is ready to go to a sleep away camp?  The best indicator of your child's readiness to attend a sleep away camp is your child.  Ask him or her.  If he says he wants to go, then more than likely he is ready.  Don't force your child if he says he doesn't want to go.  But remember that anxiety about something new and different is normal. 


How do I know if Cub Creek Science Camp is right for my child?  If your child is ready for a sleep away camp and loves animals, exploring nature and learning about science, then Cub Creek Science Camp will be an excellent fit.


How long has Cub Creek Science Camp been in operation?  Cub Creek Science Camp offered it's first summer program in 1993.


My child is shy.  Will she fit in?  Our staff are trained to help all campers fit in.  The first day of camp is spent learning people's names, becoming familiar with the camp set-up and the week's activities.  The buddy system is used when moving between activities, so no camper is left alone.  Our cabin group period, before dinner, helps friendships develop among cabin mates.


What options are available for transportation to and from camp?  Each week we pick up and drop off campers at the St. Louis International Airport.  Transportation service between camp and the airport is available for a fee of $85 - $95 each way.  (Please see our Transportation Request form for restriction ~ An extra fee will apply for Southwest Airlines. ~ For more information see the transportation section of our Parent Handbook.)

Flights should be scheduled to arrive between 10 am and 1 pm on the first day of camp and depart between 1 pm and 4 pm on the last day of camp.  We must have exact flight information by May 1.


Most of our campers are driven to camp by their parents or carpool with a friend.  Parents driving from long distances often spend the night in one of our area hotels.


How is laundry handled?  Campers staying multiple weeks do laundry each Saturday.  $5 for each laundry session is deducted from each campers camp store account to cover the cost of the machines and the laundry detergent.  Staff help campers do their laundry including helping empty pockets and sort laundry. 


What is available in the camp store?  The camp store is a favorite place to visit during afternoon free period.  The store sells most toiletries, stamps, flashlights, batteries, coloring books, pens, cards, water bottles, camp t-shirts and let's not forget about snacks (ice cream, soda, candy, chips, cookies, etc.).


How much money should I send with my child?  Campers should not have money at camp, as money easily gets lost.  Parents are encouraged to put money on account in the camp store.  This money can be used for snacks, small trinkets, forgotten items, and laundry.  Most parents put between $25 - $50 per week on account (Remember if your child will be doing laundry at camp this will cost $5.00 per week.)


Can I limit my child's purchasing of candy and soda?  Absolutely!  When you put money into your child's trading post account, simply write on the form or tell the staff what limit you would like to place, and this will be entered into the computer at the camp store.  We automatically limit kids to three sugary items per day.  The store is open two- three times each day.


After I Register

When will I find out if my child has been accepted into camp?  Acceptance is given on a first come, first serve basis. Within two weeks of the receipt of your registration form and deposit, you will receive a letter of confirmation which will direct you to our website where you will find a Parent Handbook and the paperwork that needs to be filled out and completed for the summer.  This paperwork will include: a Health and Medication form,  a Consent and Acknowledgment form, and a Course Request form along with other forms such as transportation request forms and an email card.  These forms need to be filled out and returned to our office by April 1st.


What forms will I need to fill out? There are a few forms that we will need on file in order for your child to attend camp.  These forms include: a Health and Medication form (with a copy of immunizations, a copy of the campers Health Insurance Card, and a photo of the child attached), an Acknowledgement and Consent form, and e-mail card. There will also be a form for your child to complete in order to request courses. 


What will my child need to bring to camp?  Cub Creek will provide all necessary field study, laboratory and activity equipment. There are no additional fees for activity supplies. A list of suggested personal items for each camper to bring to camp will be sent with the confirmation letter.


What time do I take my child to camp on the first day?  The drop off time for all programs is between 1:30-3:30 PM on Sunday.


When do I pick my child up on the last day of camp?  The pick up time is between 10:00 am and 11:00 am on Saturday.  On the pick up day, please plan on spending at least 30 minutes touring camp with your child.  This is also a great time to take pictures, so don't forget your camera.  We will have lunch available for families wishing to stay and picnic.


What type of communication will I have with my child while at camp?  You will be able to communicate with your child through e-mail and regular mail, as well as see pictures of daily events in our photo gallery.  Mail call is every day at lunch.  Any e-mail that parents send through  Bunk Notes will be printed and delivered at mail call along with any letters and packages that have arrived for the campers.  Campers are given the opportunity to send e-mail each day. 


Can anyone send e-mails to my child at camp?  Anyone that you give the pass code may e-mail a camper.  Only e-mails sent through Bunk Notes will be delivered to campers.  In order to access Bunk Notes you must have a pass code that will be supplied to you in your confirmation packet.


Do I have to register in order to send an e-mail to my child?  Yes.  Due to the large volume of e-mails received each day, only those e-mails received through our e-mail service will be printed and distributed during mail call.  By registering you will not only be able to send e-mails, but you will also be able to see the photos that are posted in our on-line photo gallery each day.  Registering is quick and easy and helps ensure that only approved people are in contact with your child. Bunk notes does charge a fee for this service.


Can parents visit camp?  Parents are welcome to visit camp on Saturday between 10 and noon.  Campers may go into town with their parents on Saturday.  (Please set up such trips in advance with the camp director.)




Request a Free Brochure



Cub Creek Science Camp is a great place for children to unlock their potential and learn about the world around them. At Cub Creek Science Camp we help young people learn problem solving skills, develop positive self-esteem and enhance their social skills, all while having fun!  We understand that sending a child to camp for the first time can be scary.  It is our hope that the information in this section will help you decide if Cub Creek Science Camp is the right camp for your child and answer any questions you may have about our program.


Please feel free to call us with any questions at (573)458-2125.









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