Creek Science Camp
Week long science course
Rescue 911
Oh no! Your friend has fallen out of your tree fort.
What should you do? Okay, so it didn't really happen,
but you will have fun learning how to handle a variety
of emergency situations. Practice responding
to emergency situations just like real paramedics.
Rescue 911 (formally called
Jr Paramedic) is just one of 26 courses offered at Cub Creek
Science and Animal Camp. For every week you are at
camp, you will choose two camp courses. Each summer
camp course is made up of five classes. These classes
are shown to the right.
For a complete list of our camp course
click here.
Other courses include:
Rescue 911
Classes that we chose from to make up the week long course.
1. First aid basics
2. Splints and Slings
3. Emergency transport, shock and burn
4. Breathing emergencies
5. Emergency Scenario Practice