Creek Science Camp
Week long science course
Botany is science that deals with plants. Plants are all around us. They can be used to make
everything from clothes and food, to medicine and
perfume. Without plants our planet would not survive.
Become a Botanist for a week and learn all about the
mysteries of our common plants.
Growing Green is just one of
26 courses offered at Cub Creek Science and Animal Camp.
For every week you are at camp, you will choose two camp
courses. Each summer camp course is made up of five
classes. These classes are shown to the right.
For a complete list of our camp course
click here.
Other courses include:
Classes that make up the week long course.
1. intro into Botany
2. Tree Hike
3. Time to Smell the Flowers
4. Wild Edibles
5. Edibles for animals