How does the weather at Cub Creek compare
to weather at Illinois Summer Camps?
Our temperatures are
usually in the 80's and 90's in the summer, and our cabins
are air-conditioned.
Illinois Summer Camp
Cub Creek Science Camp is the only
residential animal camp in the country! We are the
perfect camp for kids from Illinois. Last year
alone we had near 100 campers from Illinois attend Cub
We have campers attending from all 50 states
and many other countries. We offer airport pickup
service, or you are welcome to drive.
If your child likes science and animals, then
no Illinois camp will compare to what we offer. Don't let the distance prevent your child
from having the time of their life. Campers flying a
nonstop flight to St. Louis is easy and safe. You put
them on the plane, we take them off the plane and have them call
you as soon as they arrive. Cub Creek Science Camp is
located just 1.5 hours from St. Louis.
This is no ordinary summer camp!
Combining science,
animals and traditional
summer camp activities
to create
the most fun you have ever
Imagine spending a week or
more, feeding monkeys, walking llamas, petting porcupine,
training parrots, bathing miniature horses. At the
same time, enjoying all the fun of an overnight summer camp;
swimming, fishing, exploring, tie dying a t-shirt,
roasting marshmallows, shooting a bow and arrow, making
crafts and singing songs. Cub Creek offers all this.
We combine the best
aspects of a traditional overnight summer camp, a
science camp, a
zoo camp and an
animal camp, to create a
truly one of a kind experience. Cub Creek Science Camp
began operation in 1993. Each summer we have campers
attend from nearly every state and many different countries.
Do you know of another summer camp
where you can feed a kinkajou, pet a
baby kangaroo,
hold a hedge hog, walk an alpaca,
bathe a goat, make toys for a
and play with a puppy all in the same
We offer air-conditioned cabins, with
private bathrooms in each cabin.
Swimming Pool
240 acres of beautiful
Missouri Ozark forest.
A small private
science camp,
whose owner is also the director and founder
of the
Science is all
about asking questions. The
process of discovering the
answers is what our Science Camp is
all about. Whether your
question is; How can I make a
clay pot on a wheel? Does a
kangaroo like raisins? or What
does it feel like to hold a
hedgehog? Campers enjoy
learning that they can discover
the answers, through their
hands-on involvement at Cub
Creek Science Camp.