Cub Creek Science Camp

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The genus Uromastyx consists of a handful of species, all indigenous to the arid desert regions of North Africa and the adjacent middle east. These lizards, also known as drab lizards or spiny-tailed agamas, are moderately sized, and primarily vegetarian.

Mali uromastyx are well adapted for desert life. They bask extensively under the desert sun and are able to go for extended periods of time without water. Males of this species are typically jet black with bright yellow markings, while females tend to be more of a uniform brown or tan in color. However, there are exceptions, and determining the sex of immature animals can be difficult.

In addition to their natural survival skills and attractive appearance, Malis are also gentle animals, and in captivity quickly become tame and tolerant of human contact.  This information was taken from


At Cub Creek Science Camp we have a pair of Mali Uromastyx named Zen and Chen.  They are housed in the Reptile Room of the Animal Learning Center along with the Blue Tongued Skinks.  It is very interesting to watch them eat their crickets which they get once or twice a week .  The crickets are dusted with a vitamin/calcium supplement and they eat them like candy.  Mali Uromastyx are very calm natured and easy to handle in spite of their somewhat intimidating looks.





More information on Uromastyx











Cub Creek Science Camp

Located at Bear River Ranch

16795 Hwy E

Rolla, Missouri  65401
