Fronted Amazon Parrot

The Blue-fronted Amazon is similar to the
Orange-winged Amazon but is larger overall. The Blue-fronted
has a patch of blue just above the beak on the forehead.
There are yellow patches at the top of the wings and blue
and red streaks at the tips. The rest of the body is green.
They are native to Bolivia, Brasil, Paraquay and northern
Argentina. This information was taken from
At Cub Creek Science Camp we have a Blue
Fronted Amazon Parrot named Bonita. Bonita is a very
sociable bird that loves for you to talk to her.
During Science camp she will ask our campers "What's the
matter?" when they walk up to her cage. She
likes to be taken out and will step up on a sturdy stick.
Peanuts are one of her favorite treats. She is housed in the
Animal Learning Center during summer Science Camp and is one
of the animals that our campers adopt for a week during the
Science Camp Adopt an Animal Program.

More information on Blue Fronted
Amazon Parrot